Text Spacing Bookmarklet for Accessibility Testing

Text spacing bookmarklet will help to check if there are any issues with the content or functionality of your website after increasing the line, paragraph, letter, and word spacing, according to the “Text Spacing” success criterion of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Text Spacing before Text Spacing Bookmarklet is used.
Text Spacing before Text Spacing Bookmarklet is used.
Text Spacing after Text Spacing Bookmarklet is used.
Text Spacing after Text Spacing Bookmarklet is used.

Text Spacing Bookmarklet

Text spacing bookmarklet helps users and testers verify or achieve text spacing on a website.

Text Spacing Bookmarklet Code

See the Pen Text Spacing Bookmarklet by HolisticA11Y by HolisticA11Y (@HolisticA11YHub) on CodePen.

We hope these accessibility bookmarklets come in handy during your next accessibility audit.

Reference: Accessibility Bookmarklets
