Screen readers do not expose the content that is marked with aria-hidden, this attribute need to be used very carefully. The aria-hidden bookmarklet highlights the text and elements where aria-hidden is used so that developers and testers can evaluate if the usage of aria-hidden is appropriate.

ARIA-Hidden Bookmarklet
The ARIA-Hidden Bookmarklet helps identify ARIA-Hidden elements on a webpage. ARIA-Hidden elements are not detected by screen-readers, hence, this bookmarklet helps detect the elements and test for appropriateness.
ARIA-Hidden Bookmarklet Code
See the Pen ARIA-Hidden Bookmarklet by HolisticA11Y by HolisticA11Y (@HolisticA11YHub) on CodePen.
We hope these accessibility bookmarklets come in handy during your next accessibility audit.
References: Accessibility Bookmarklets