We help companies create inclusive and accessible solutions that work well for everyone.
Who We Are
We are a team of highly skilled Accessibility specialists dedicated to empowering designers, UI/UX professionals, and developers to create inclusive technology. We believe that Accessibility is a fundamental right for everyone and should be integrated into every aspect of technology.
Our team comprises Accessibility experts from various industry segments, including design, UI/UX, and development. We have a comprehensive understanding of the IT landscape and how to integrate Accessibility into it. Our team members are certified by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), with certifications such as Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC), Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS), and Certified
Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA).
We are committed to enabling designers, UI/UX professionals, and developers to create inclusive technology. Our deep expertise and industry experience allow us to deliver specialized solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. At our company, we believe that technology should be accessible to everyone, and we are passionate about creating solutions that make that possible.

Our Aim
HOLISTICA11Y is a professional service provider dedicated to helping you achieve, maintain, and prove your website’s compliance with expert services and a range of tools, reports, and interactive services offered through its platform. Working together, HOLISTICA11Y offers a complete view of your site’s web accessibility and helps you and your team identify, resolve, and prevent accessibility issues.
Why Do You Need Us
We merge our passion for Accessibility with extensive IT industry expertise to offer competitive solutions that empower your business to access a broader market base and remain relevant and compliant.